Date 日期 | Time 时间 | Content 内容 | Schedule 计划安排 | Venue 地点 |
Nov. 10th 11月10日 | Afternoon 下午 | Registration 会议签到 | Welcome the Guests at Xuzhou High Speed Railway East Station and Narada Hotel Xuzhou Baoxin / 会务人员在徐州高铁东站和徐州宝信君澜度假酒店迎接嘉宾 | Narada Hotel lobby 宝信君澜酒店大厅 |
Nov. 11th | 9:00-9:30 | Opening Ceremony
开幕式 | Host: Prof. Zhenping Shen, Executive Dean of Institute of the Belt and Road, Jiangsu Normal Univ. / 主持人:江苏师大“一带一路”研究院执行院长沈正平教授 | Conference room 100, Analysis and Test Center, Jiangsu Normal Univ. (Lecture Hall)
江苏师大分析测试中心100会议室 |
Speech by Prof. Hong Cen, Deputy Party Secretary of Jiangsu Normal Univ. / 江苏师大党委副书记岑红教授致辞 | ||||
Speech by Prof. Wang Zhikai, Vice-Director of Center for Research of Private Economy, Zhejiang Univ. / 浙江大学民营经济研究中心副主任王志凯教授致辞 | ||||
10:00-12:00 | Symposium 学术研讨
less than 30 minutes per person 每人报告30分钟以内 | Chair: Prof. Zhikai Wang, Vice-director of Center for Research of Private Economy, Zhejiang Univ. / 主持人:浙江大学民营经济研究中心副主任王志凯教授 | Lecture Hall (ibid) 报告厅 (同上) | |
Prof. Bruno Dallago (Department of Economics and Management, Univ. of Trento, Italy) / Dallago 教授(意大利特伦托大学经济与管理系); Economic growth in European Union and China: Can the Belt and Road Initiative play a strategic role? / 欧盟经济增长与中国——“一带一路”倡议能够发挥战略作用吗? | ||||
Prof. Satoshi Mizobata(Head, Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto Univ., Japan) / Mizobata教授(日本京都大学京都经济研究所所长) “Society 5.0” and Economic System Transformation in Japan / 日本的“社会5.0”与经济体制转型 | ||||
Prof. Maxim Khomyakov (Director, The State Univ. High School of Economics, St. Petersburg Campus, Russia) / Khomyakov教授(俄罗斯高等经济学院圣彼得堡分校校长) Higher Education and Sustainable Development: Some Aspects of the Belt and Road Initiative /高等教育与可持续发展——“一带一路”倡议的几个问题 | ||||
Prof. Guangwen Meng (Director, Institute of Free Economic Zone, Tianjin Normal Univ.) / 孟广文教授(天津师大自由经济区研究所所长) Structural Transformation through Free Trade Zone: the Case of Shanghai / 自贸区结构转型——以上海为例 | ||||
14:30-16:30 | Symposium 学术研讨
less than 30 minutes per person 每人报告30分钟以内 | Chair: Prof.Guangwen Meng, Director of Institute of Free Economic Zone, Tianjin Normal Univ. / 主持人:天津师大自由经济区研究所孟广文教授 | Lecture Hall (ibid) 报告厅 (同上) | |
Prof. Zoltán Oszkár Szántó (Vice President, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) / Szántó教授(匈牙利布达佩斯考文纽斯大学常务副校长) Concept and Measurement of Social Futuring: Analyzing Positive Contribution of the Belt and Road Initiative / 社会未来的概念与测度——“一带一路”倡议的积极贡献 | ||||
Prof. Rubén Lois González (Dean, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain) / González 教授(西班牙圣地亚哥·德·孔波斯特拉大学) The Perspectives of the Silk Road in the New Geopolitical Configuration of Western Europe / 西欧新地缘政治格局下的丝绸之路透视 | ||||
Prof. Ermanno Tortia (University of Trento, Italy) / Tortia教授(意大利特伦托大学) European Social Policy and the Social Economy: a Possible Role for Social Enterprises in the Road and Belt Initiative /欧洲的社会政策和社会经济——社会企业在“一带一路”倡议中的可能作用 | ||||
Dr. Wiebke Rabe (Doctoral Fellow, Institute of China Studies, Free Univ. of Berlin, Germany) / (德国柏林自由大学中国研究所博士后) Sino-German Investment Cooperation: Obstacles and Avenues for exchange /中德投资合作:交流的障碍与出路 | ||||
16:45-17:45 | Symposium 学术研讨
每人报告20分钟以内 | Chair: Prof. Zhengping Shen, Executive Dean of Institute of the Belt and Road, Jiangsu Normal Univ. /主持人:江苏师大“一带一路”研究院执行院长沈正平教授 | Lecture Hall (ibid) 报告厅 (同上) | |
Prof. Zhikai Wang (Vice-Director of Center for Research of Private Economy, Zhejiang Univ.) / 王志凯教授(浙江大学民营经济研究中心副主任) Facing challenges for China pursuing high quality development / 中国追求高质量发展面临挑战 | ||||
Researcher Tingxi Zhang (Jiangsu ant Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd) /张庭喜研究员(江苏蚂蚁股权投资基金管理有限公司) The “Belt and Road” Initiative in the Context of Globalization /全球化背景下的“一带一路”倡议 | ||||
Engidaw Sisay Negash (Doctoral Student, School of Economics, Zhejiang Univ.) / 浙江大学经济学院博士生 China’s Unprecedented Move towards Belt and Road Initiative and the Alignment of the 2063 AU Agenda for Africa’s Sustainable Development /走向“一带一路”倡议的中国史无前例行动与非洲可持续发展2063非盟议程的调整 | ||||
17:45-18:00 | Closing Ceremony 闭幕式 | Speech by Prof. Zhikai Wang, Vice-Director of Vice-Director of Center for Research of Private Economy, Zhejiang Univ. / 浙江大学民营经济研究中心副主任王志凯教授致闭幕词 | Lecture Hall (ibid) 报告厅 (同上) |