11月5日 Wilfried Admiraal教授学术讲座(教育科学学院)
报 告 人:Wilfried Admiraal
报告题目:Possibilities and challenges in technology-enhanced teaching and learning技术增强型教学和学习的机遇与挑战
Wilfried Admiraal,挪威奥斯陆城市大学职业研究中心的全职教授。他的研究兴趣包括教学、教师教育、教师以及教学职业。他当前的项目涉及早期职业和晚期职业教师的流失、学校作为安全和民主的学习环境,以及学生和教师的信息素养。
Over recent years, the use of technology has become commonplace in all sectors of education, whether or not combined with on-site teaching in school. While some claim that this experience speeded up the use of technology in teaching and learning, one might also argue that our thinking about the use of technology that enhances teaching and learning in school has been impaired. The use of technology in teaching changed and will change our students’engagement with learning. In this lecture, I will present some research projects about digital games, virtual reality, online feedback, online social interaction, and discuss various forms of technology use in teaching and learning in both school and university. I also want to focus on developments in AI and consequences for teaching and learning.